Dissolved Air Flotation Description
DAF Dissolved air flotation consists of flotation tank, dissolved air system, reflux pipe, dissolved air released system, skimmer (Based on customer needs, there are combined type, traveling type and chain-plate type to choose.), electric cabinet and so on.
Air flotation separation technology of DAGYEE DAF Dissolved air flotation dissolved air into water at certain working pressure. In the process, pressurized water is saturated with dissolved air and is discharged into a flotation vessel. The microscopic air bubbles produced by released air attach to suspended solids and float them to the surface, forming a sludge blanket. A scoop removes the thickened sludge. Finally, it complete purifies the water.
DAF dilssolved air flotation is mainly used in the following aspects paper-making effluent processing and fiber recovery,wasterwater treatment in printing& dyeing; the treatment of wastewater with heavy metal ions, like electroplating wastewater; oily wastewater treatment; wastewater treatment in tanning, chemical and painting industry; solid and liquid separation of wastewater from food industry.
Dissolved air flotation Feature
Adjustable effluent weir troughs
Epoxy coated carbon steel tank
Factory tested
Seamlessly integrates with other Hydro-Flo offered wastewater products
Stand alone operation
Standard units can be manufactured for flows from 5 gpm to 3500 gpm and above, in a single above grade tank
Structural steel support legs

Dissolved Air Flotation Available Options
Access platforms with ladder or stairs
Automatic sludge pump out packages
Chemical pretreatment systems
Concrete tank designs for large in ground installations
Duplex systems for redundancy
Effluent monitoring
Effluent sampling
Explosion-proof design
Flash mix/flocculation tanks with mixers
Full FRP or stainless steel construction
Influent equalization
Influent / effluent lift stations
Instrumentation and controls
Removable covers with gaskets
Integral mechanical sludge thickener
On board reagent storage (day tanks)
Pilot size units for on-site testing
Potable water design
Special coatings
Sludge handling and dewatering
Dissolved Air Flotation Applications
Enhance primary treatment performance
without adding chemicals
Solids separation upstream of secondary processes such as:
Oxidation Ditches
Sequencing Batch Reactors
Biological Aerated Filters
Dissolved Air Flotation -Moving Bed Bio Reactors -Membrane Bio Reactors Primary treatment for new plants Grit removal after a coarse screen
Increase primary or secondary process capacity
Plant expansion where land is expensive or unavailable
Dig-free, concrete-free solution for mountainous or earthquake-prone areas
Combined sewer overflow (CSO) treatment
Stormwater treatment