Dagyee IPS Inclined plate settlers WWTP is a liquid and solids separation equipment. When a mixture of solids and liquid stream that has been flocculated or sometimes not, enters a trough the inlet of the clarifiers tank, and flows upward between a pack of inclined plates. The solids fall to the plate surface, where they slide by gravity down to a sludge collection hopper. The clarified effluent flows through orifice holes and exits the top of the inclined plate clarifier. Compared to traditional settling tanks, the inclined plate clarifier is more cost effective and less foot print. These slant plates provide a large effective settling area for a small footprint which makes it efficient for the solids and liquid separation. Compared to decanter centrifuges, the inclined plate clarifier is less expensive and easy to maintain, and also it uses less energy to power the equipment.
HOW DOES lamella clarifier WORKS
The liquid enters the lower area of the layered plate through side grooves, which distribute the liquid over the entire width of the plate. The particles settle on the surface of the plate and slide down to the bottom of the clarifier. The clarified liquid flows out of the plate section through the weirs on the top of the unit. These weirs are designed to generate and control sufficient pressure drop to maintain laminar flow through the plate. The clarified liquid then flows into the outflow chamber and out of the clarifier.
- Mining
- Metal finishing
- Treat groundwater
Industrial process water
- Pre-treatment ahead of membrane filters
- Municipal wastewater
- TSS solids particulate removal
- Dissolved solids and metals precipitation
- Leachate clarification
- Cooling tower water clarification
- Surface raw water treatment
- Water recycling/reuse
- Backwash from sand filters
- smaller footprint
Large effective settling area
Improved overflow rates 2 to 4 times
Can be used for a long time
- Normal use without clogging, Even clogging is provided with backwash device
- Less possibility for injury