What Is MBBR
Moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) is a biological technology used for wastewater treatment process suitable for municipal and industrial application. Another common name is moving bed film reactor. It was invented in the 1980s. MBBR offer an economical solution for wastewater treatment. STP MBBR technology is the use of a moving bed biofilm reactor in sewage treatment plants.
Biofilm process, The trickling filter can be reliable and stable but does suffer from one serious drawback; it easily becomes clogged and septic even under moderate loading conditions. In the MBBR biofilm technology the biofilm grows protected within engineered plastic carriers, which are carefully designed with high internal surface area. These biofilm carriers are suspended and thoroughly mixed throughout the water phase. With this technology it is possible to handle extremely high loading conditions without any problems of clogging, and treat industrial and municipal wastewater on a relatively small footprint.
MBBR Media Used in Wastewater Treatment
- Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) removal
- Nitrification
- Denitrification

How Does MBBR Work
Moving bed bioreactor (MBBR) includes a water tank of any shape filled with small carrier elements. These elements are specially developed materials with controlled density, so they can be fluidized using aeration equipment. Biofilms will form on the components, and these will move with the wastewater in the reactor. The movement in the reactor is generated by providing aeration in the diffuser located at the bottom of the reactor. The thin biofilm on the element enables bacteria to act on the biodegradable substances in the wastewater and reduce the BOD / COD content in the presence of oxygen in the air for fluidization. The treated water flows through the grid or sieve from the reactor, thereby retaining the MBBR biocarrier in the reactor. The system can be composed of a one-stage or two-stage treatment process according to the specific needs of wastewater.
MBBR Biofilter Media Tech
Model | D1-10-8 |
Bulk Density | 150kg/m3 |
Dimensions | Ø10*8mm |
Total Surface Area | >750m2/m3 |
Protected Surface Area | >500m2/m3 |
Material | HDPE |
Density | 0.96g/cm3 |
Color | White black OEM |
Model | D3-25-10 |
Bulk Density | 100kg/m3 |
Dimensions | Ø25*10mm |
Total Surface Area | >600m2/m3 |
Protected Surface Area | >500m2/m3 |
Material | HDPE |
Density | 0.96g/cm3 |
Color | White black OEM |
Biofilter Media Advantage
- Self-regulation
- High compact factory
- Loading rate
- Simple operation and low price
- Maintenance requirements
- Better oxygen transmission
- Effectiveness
- Easy to expand existing treatment plant
- Reduce energy
- Low sludge production
- Tasteless operation
- Improve settlement
- Downstream unit low capital cost
MBBR Media Used in Wastewater Treatment
- Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) removal
- Nitrification
- Denitrification
Biofilter Media Application
- Industrial wastewater treatment
- Marine
- Municipal