Effective Polymer Metering

DAGYEE all in one polymer preparation system is used for the dosing of liquid powder flocculants. It can be widely used in water treatment applications in wastewater, papermaking, chemical, petrochemical and mineral processing industries.
Three chamber continuous flow system with control panel, powder feeder, diaphragm metering pump, mixer and agitator are all integrated in one solution.
Dissolution chamber, maturation chamber and storage room are designed for heavy-duty water treatment environments and are made entirely of polypropylene with stainless steel dosing screws for excellent corrosion resistance.
Intuitive controls allow users to easily calibrate powder dosing units and concentrate pumps, and manage ingredient adjustments with precise speed regulators. At the same time, the conductivity level probe warns the operator of high, low, and critical low levels through emergency warning lights.
- Each chamber is equipped with secure inspection cover and emptying valve
User guided solvent concentration entry
Minimal product carryover
Programmable logic PLC controller
Optional automatic control panel version to add polymer in proportion
Version with junction box available on request
- Extraction rate up to 10,000 l / h
Liquid polymer concentration: 0.05 – 1%
Powder polymer concentration: 0.05-0.5%